Volunteer Applications for 2024 are OPEN!!

Behold, the power behind ComFest – OUR VOLUNTEERS!
ComFest is an entirely volunteer run festival, which means we literally couldn’t pull this off without each and every volunteer. Energetic, friendly volunteers are needed all over for a variety of jobs. We have roughly 3,000 volunteer shifts to fill each year, so there’s plenty of room for you to join the ComFest family!
What do you get when you volunteer?
You get that year's ComFest t-shirt - in fact, it's the only way to get it. You also get volunteer chips - each worth $4 at any bar or food vendors.
Want to volunteer, but not sure where? Read about just a few of the many different volunteer roles we have available at the festival to see where would be the best fit.
Click on the Volunteer Now button when you're ready to sign up! More detailed information on your volunteer duties can be found on the volunteer application.
Stage Crew
Want to help the stages work like well-oiled machines? This role will have you helping move gear for performers and working the back-stage areas.
Committees: Entertainment, Peace & Healing
Voter Registration Advocate
Spend time on the Street Fair registering your fellow ComFesters to vote!
Committee: Voter Registration
Barricade Volunteer
Enjoy a shady seat under an umbrella at the main barricades. You'll assist cars with the proper access and remind your fellow ComFesters don't take open containers out of the festival.
Committee: Safety
Program Distribution Volunteer
Give your fellow ComFesters the official program guide as they pass through the park.
Committees: Program
Parking Lot Attendent
Enjoy a shady seat under and umbrella at the parking lot and help us keep the right cars in the right lots for the amount right time.
Committee: Parking & Permits
Site Operations Volunteer
Help keep ComFest running! You'll work with the nuts and bolts of the festival site - fencing, golf carts, and water and ice distribution.
Committee: Logistics
Roving Safety Ambassador
Tour the festival in your designated area looking to help fellow ComFesters in need. You'll coordinate between the Safety base station and ComFesters to make sure we all have a safe and happy ComFest.
Committee: Safety
Click HERE for Training information
Electrical Assistant
Help our electrical experts lay out and clean up all of the electrical wiring for the festival.
Committees: Electrical
Help your fellow ComFesters get their unique ComFest Swag at one of its 3 booths. You'll also help provide festival directions, general information and direct them to Volunteer Central so they can have even more fun at ComFest!.
Committee: ComFest Merch Booth
First Aid Assistant
Use your caring nature and first aid skills to help your fellow ComFesters, with the support of our EMTs when needed.
Committee: First Aid
Cleanup & Recycling Volunteer
Tour the festival and help care for the park by collecting recycling and trash.
Committees: Cleanup & Recycling
Video: Training
Serve drinks to fellow ComFesters after checking their ID!
Committee: Libations
Training Videos:
Bar Cashier
Help your fellow ComFesters turn money into ComFest drink chips and souvenir mugs.
Committee: Libations
ComFest Docent
Share your deep familiarity with ComFest and its history with your fellow ComFesters, helping them learn our roots.
Committees: Archives