2018 VOLUNTEER SIGNUPS will open April 1st. Until then, feel free to email natalie.poindexter@comfest.com or bill.finzel@comfest.com for more information.
The 1st Aid Station was established in order to attend the sick, wounded and dying soldiers of the ComFest struggle for cultural hegemony in Central Ohio.

The Last 1st Aid Supper
B U T , S E R I O U S L Y:
The Main 1st Aid Station is located in the center of Goodale Park, just North-West of the Bozo (Main) Stage. It is also just West of the Safety Radio Base, and South of the Cleanup & Recycling HQ.
It will operate from 9am-midnight each day.The Main Station will have an EMS unit, staffed by Columbus firefighter/paramedics (IAFF Local 67), from roughly noon to midnight Friday, and noon to 11pm Saturday and Sunday, but these hours may vary, depending on festival closing times each day.
Since 2009, we’ve been operating First Aid Station #2 (FAS2), which is located on the eastern edge of Goodale Park, across from the corner of Park St and W Poplar. FAS2 operates 3-11pm on Friday & Saturday, and 3-9pm on Sunday.As of 2010 we have also had a 2nd EMS unit (EMS2), with a staff of 3 firefighter/paramedics, from the Columbus Division of Fire. It’s on W Poplar at the corner with Park Street, and will also be available from 3pm-11pm on Friday and Sat, and from 3pm-9pm on Sunday.
Learn More
D U R I N G the festival, friendly volunteers at 1st Aid are always ready to inform you; however,
it is always best to ask for one of our Supervisors, like Rich, for more information.
During the rest of the year, you can learn more by contacting either natalie.poindexter@comfest.com or bill.finzel@comfest.com
Get Involved
For volunteers, we need people with current certification in 1st Aid and CPR, or who have equivalent or superior certification &/or training &/or professional experience.
For S U P E R V I S O R S, we need people with comparable skills, plus 2 or more years of prior experience at the 1st Aid Station, as well as the willingness and ability to assume some administrative responsibilities.
We also need people to serve on the 1st Aid Committee. This involves helping to plan this part of ComFest, and to work with other festival organizers.
If you have wondered how you might best serve The Community Festival, and if you have what it takes to care for cuts, bug bites, splinters & sunburn AND to help people in emergency situations, by all means contact us.
When you have the skills, and a friendly & helpful attitude, everything at ComFest 1st Aid is “thumbs up”!