Artists, start your pens! It’s ComFest Logo Design season again, and we need your vision for the 2021 program, t-shirt, and beer mug designs!
Themes can include each person’s power to make a difference, be a part of community collaborations, and do their best to elevate the political consciousness around them.
Including these concepts when creating will make your entry more competitive in the selection process. However, it is in no way required.
Entries must be uploaded to before Thursday, April 1, 2021.
The winning design becomes a vital part of ComFest history and is featured on volunteer t-shirts, and mugs and our program. The winning artist is credited on our website, in the Program Guide, and we even give them a few valuable ComFest goodies!
All entries must meet the following requirements:
- It should be a black and white drawing. We do a one color silkscreen in order to be economical. Due to the mechanical limitations and expense of the silk-screening process, it is difficult and expensive to do grey tones or shading. If your design has some shading, it would have to be done in a way that will lend itself to be easily silk-screened. Original art only.
- Include the dates: June 25, 26, 27, 2021 or June 25 – 27, 2021.
- Include the name, Community Festival. Those two words must appear together in the design. In addition, you can place the word “ComFest” in the design if you wish.
- Include the place, Goodale Park.
- Include the Hopewell symbol, shown below: (Click here for a PDF version.)
- Another good tip is to make the design with a vertical orientation so that it looks good on a T-shirt. The logo will appear in other places but the most important place is on the T-shirt.
- Include artist’s name, address, email and phone number along with the upload entry.
- An artist may enter multiple different logo designs, but only one version of a particular design may be entered.
- Have a high resolution digital file of your entry. ComFest reserves the right to request changes to the chosen design.
- The winner will be chosen at the next General Planning Meeting. The winner will be notified after that meeting.
Good luck and Happy ComFest!