ComFest invites local artists to submit ideas for temporary art sculptures/installations in Goodale Park for the 2020 festival (June 26-28). Up to five (5) art installations will be chosen to be displayed. They will line the path to Peace Village. Each artist will be welcome to be present with their piece and interact with the community about their work
Concepts should reflect ComFest Principles and a sense of respect and harmony with the planet—and Goodale Park, in particular. Selected work will be installed on Thursday, June 25 and must be removed by Sunday night, June 28.
ComFest is a family event. While the most popular installations in recent years have been interactive, safety is an important consideration, as are weather conditions, electrical needs, overnight security, set-up and tear-down time, and impact on the park. Use of toxic materials or damage to fauna or flora is strictly prohibited.

Applications can be downloaded here. ComFest offers artists a stipend to help pay for materials.
Accepted submissions will be notified and installation instructions will be provided- unaccepted submissions
will be returned. All artists must send copies of photos of previous works.
will be returned. All artists must send copies of photos of previous works.
The deadline for all submissions wishing to be considered is May 30!