ComFest 2018 is now accepting applications for our Sculpture program.
The General Planning Committee (GPC) and Spirit & Purpose Committee are planning many interesting projects this year, like the ComFest Exterior Environmental Sculpture Show.
Proposals are due May 1st, 2018.
Participating artists will be chosen to expand their proposals and build the proposed works. Artists selected to expand their proposals will be required to submit more detailed information about their proposed works.
This opportunity is open to artists residing in the City of Columbus and its immediate suburbs and municipalities.
Email your entire proposal to
Submission procedure:
- Read the Rules & Criteria for the work
- Everyone must follow the ComFest state process – no exceptions
- Collaborative works are allowed
- All sculptures must be original and created by the artist who proposes the work
- All sculptures must be constructed on site
- All sculptures will be outside – consider the scale and potential weather conditions
- Freestanding sculptures will need to be secured firmly
- Proposals for sculpture may not include fire, earth, or water
- Sculpture may not present any danger to the public. ComFest is kid friendly, so think and create with safety in mind!
- Artists must keep the general area of construction neat and safe
- Materials must be safe in public conditions and not damage plantings, trees, or turf
- No electricity will be accessible to artists, so design with hand or battery tools in mind
- All accepted Artists must attend at least one meeting with ComFest Organizers prior to the festival to establish placement and site access
- Artists may not camp on the site
- Artists are responsible for all transportation of the materials and works before and after the festival
- All installation begins on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 and must be totally removed with the surrounding area cleaned up by 6AM on June 25, 2018
- Sculpture that remains after the designated date and time will be disposed of. The work may not and can not remain in the park under any circumstance
- Artists must adhere to all ComFest event rules
- Artists must follow all City Park, City, State, and Federal laws and rules
- ComFest reserves the right of all placement of sculpture at the event
- ComFest strives to be a Zero Waste event and selected Artists are expected to be mindful of clean-up and recycling around their site
- All work will be recorded with video and still photographs for the ComFest Archives
- Proposal Guidelines:
- Proposals should reflect the spirit and purpose of ComFest – reference past years programs to become acquainted with the principle and the diverse ways ComFest showcases them
- In the submission, present a concise description of the sculpture you propose.
- Sketch, scan, or snap a digital images of your work and/or any associated drawings
- Be as clear as possible
- Every applicant must send photos of previous works
- Proposals for the pond are not accepted
- Be prepared to answer the following questions clearly and concisely:
- Full description of the proposed sculpture or work
- Describe exactly what you are proposing to build
- How do you propose to build the work
- Describe the exact materials to be used in the proposed sculpture
- List the size of the proposed sculpture
- How does the proposed work embody the Spirit and Purpose of ComFest?
- Do you volunteer at ComFest? If so,
- What committee or job do you help with?
- How long have you been volunteering for ComFest?
- Why do you help with ComFest?
- Why do you want to build a sculpture at ComFest?
- Full description of the proposed sculpture or work
- Email your entire proposal to
- Proposals should be a maximum of 5 pages
- You must attach this the proposal form with your signature
- You must include at least 1 sketch of the proposed sculpture or work
- Include 5 photos of examples of previous works that illustrate your ability to complete the sculpture if your proposal is chosen
- Include a short resume (or resumes, if it’s a team or collaboration)
Benefits to the Exhibiting Sculptor:
- $200 which is to be used for materials and to build the work
- An official ComFest Spirit & Purpose T-Shirt
- Listing on the FUN map in the official program
- Photos in the official ComFest Archives
- An invitation to the official ComFest Thank You Party at the Hot Times Festival